Friday 16 April 2010

Other possible living dinosaurs; the Mokele Mbembe's cryptid ecosystem!

Apologies for a slight misnomer of the titles in my two previous posts titled living dinosaur. In fact the term I should be using is; living nonavian dinosaur, because living dinosaurs are entirely unremarkable. You are probably no more than 20 meters away from one now. They are the birds. It is only dinosaurs that are not birds that allegedly died out 65 million years ago.

I am only about to include African cryptids that are believable and not likely to be misidentified known animals.

Above; Wuerhosaurus from China was one of the last Stegosaurs and had rectangular back plates very similar to planks of wood.

Firstly there is the Mibielu-Mibielu-Mibielu of the Congo. This animal reportedly has planks growing from its back and is aquatic, with an algal covering over its skin. Roy Mackal, a cryptozoologist compiled many of the sightings, but I have been unable to obtain much information. This animal could be a Stegosaur. Paranthodon, from the Cretaceous period of South Africa may well have been the last of the Stegosaurs we know of from fossils.

Above; With multiple horns Styracosaurus may be the most similar dinosaur to the Ngoubou beast.

The Ngoubou was fully confirmed a cryptid in 2000 by Whiliam Gibbons in Cameroon who was told by the natives of a rhinoceros like beast with multiple horns, possibly six of them as in Styracosaurus from North America. Ngoubou is the native name for a rhino, but the natives stated that the monster they described was clearly different. Another earlier sighting in the Congo during 1913 and reported by the London Times was catalouged in Bernard Heuvelmans's book; On the Track of Unknown Animals; "he came across an extraordinary monster, which charged at him. Lepage fired but was forced to flee, with the monster in chase. The animal before long gave up the chase and Lepage was able to examine it through his binoculars. The animal, he says, was about 24 feet in length with a long pointed snout adorned with tusks like horns and a short horn above the nostrils. The front feet were like those of a horse and the hind hoofs were cloven. There was a scaly hump on the monsters shoulder." The descriptions suggest this mystery creature could be a Ceratopsian, however these animals are only well known from North America and Asia. Possible Ceratopsian remains have come from South America and Australia suggesting they were present in the southern hemisphere during the Cretaceous period and could still be.

The above creatures should all be treated with skepticism. There is a high possibility that they are not real due to the lack of reports and evidence. What is certain is that the Congo is a big place where there are many undiscovered animals yet to be found. Perhaps not as extravagent as living dinosaurs, but certainly interesting.

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